Friday, January 16, 2015

Comfort Zone: Staying Within vs. Stepping Out

Am currently struggling to make a final decision about the job that 

I should accept. Some people would say: Don't think too much. 

Just give it a try. It's your first job after all. But the prob right here 

is, I don't want to foolishly/simply make a choice. Work for bout 

few months time and then starting to feel the urge to leave that 

working space/field. 

One job which the stress level is ridiculously high but if I can 

struggle through the hardships, I'm sure that I'll be shinning real 

bright in the near future. *Provided that I handle all sorts of 

pressures.*One thing for sure, taking this job offer is definitely a 

tough challenge, that would, at the same time, change me inside 


Another job with fairly lower stress level, but not much 

opportunity, at least not within this few years. Standard job scopes, 

typical 9-5 working hours, no cold calls from some arrogant 

customers. Not to say that this job is THAT relaxing, but

compared to the one that I previously mentioned, this job is 

indeed, kinda simple. 

Taking the first job= no life, working is the first priority, super 

bright future; end up with serious mental issues LOL too much 

stress to handle (not that I'm exaggerating...the stress level is sky 


Taking the second job= still get to travel. Still can have the *chill* 

session during weekends. Fix working hour. Less challenging. 

Less job excitement. Mostly back office operations. Execution 

based. Will definitely move on to another job position/department 

in few years time (I think that's one of the hidden norm in this 


It's like basically deciding to whether step out or stay within the

comfort zone. 

Take a guess bout my final decision. XD 


Anonymous said...

So you have made your final decision ya? Haven't see you for some times d. Wait Huimin back we have gathering k? ;)

What I think here is... it depends on which type of life you prefer. If you want to know how much you can achieve, you wish a more '不平凡的人生', then choose the first one. Everyone has stress, just depends how you manage it.

If you prefer 平凡的人生,较简单写意的生活,choose the 2nd one. ><

Anyway, I know it's easy to comment/give advice. Eventually if I were the one who face this situation, I shall take a much longer time to decide. LOL

All the best, Xe Hui. :))


Xehui said...

Oh gawd havent seen in u in ages! ><
Too bad i missed the gathering with u girls (the one with sf and hl geh).
额,我好奇你猜对了没我的答案 XD
谢谢你啊春蓉 :)
对了,我的选择,就下次我们见面时揭晓吧 哈哈。
等慧敏那只东西回来再聚聚吧 ^^